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A Cigarette Lighter that Makes You Want to Quit Smoking

In an earlier post, I wrote about the increasing risk factor of cancer primarily attributed to smoking. I also wrote that Lebanon has the highest smoking rate among Arab countries, the highest cancer rate among developing countries, and competes developed counties in cancer rates. Many smokers want to stop but do not know how. They start with the will to do so, but often falter because there is no incentive. Telling them that they might die or get cancer as a result does not have an effect, as suggested by studies in psychology. This is  where Samer Gharib invented  Slighter (Smart Lighter). He used tracking technology and gamification to help the smoker track and v lessen his smoking by first having him being aware of the smoking habit and then by getting incentives to lessen his smoking. Slighter follows the basic routine of Learn, Control, Break.


Slighter tracks your smoking habit so that you are aware of it. It triggers whenever you use it to light your cigarettes. Slighter then analyzes your smoking habit. It then gives you the mechanism to break your smoking habit. What Slighter needs to add however is more focus on the last stage, Break. Knowing many heavy smokers, I know they are aware of their smoking habit. They even how many cigarettes they smoke. So, stats is not an issue. What is more important is that Slighter needs to use more insights from social psychology in the last stage. Social psychology insights have proven to be highly effective in behavior modifications, from using towels in hotel rooms to electricity use, you name it. Perhaps the last stage would compare the smoker to others who smoke at the same range in the outset, or at the same age, and show how that smoker compares to others in the same locale and internationally. Badges would be given and leaderboards would be used to help him quit smoking. Nike+ Fuel band would be a great example of this.


Slighter uses a mobile app to track your smoking habit, but it is still in Beta version. In fact, Slighter requests Beta tester, and my guess is that they are a lot. So, if you are a smoker, and yearning to stop follow this link and fill out your bet testing info to help develop Slighter.

Here is a video featuring Slighter.


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