This is not, yet another, post on the importance of an organization's purpose. Everyone seems to be writing about it. In fact, it’s the most discussed topic in transformational leadership since every organization should have a purpose of “being”. Talk to any employee and he can either recite his organizational purpose and values statements or remember its key words. In my school, some of our teaching faculty know it by heart, most memorized its buzz words: Well-rounded, Interdependent, Social skills, Robust educational program. WISE they call it. We even have a mission week where our purpose statement is displayed everywhere, football matches are played, and prizes are won. Some banks even force their employees to memorize their vision and mission statements. But in order for an organization to get employees to bring their brainpower and vigor to work, it needs to be purpose-driven not purpose-ostensible. Robert Quinn and Anjan Thakor, both prominent researchers ...
Reflections about and critique amongst life, and beyond, in the 21st century.